Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Project Management Worst Practices (Part One)

Contrary to popular myth, Project Management is not a job, a profession or a career path. It is an illness, a disorder characterized by delusion, specifically a desire to control people and outcomes and a belief that the future can be predicted accurately if only everyone did what they were supposed to do.

Hold onto your seats. I will be reflecting on the discipline and practices known as Project Management...

Listed below are three realities of project management that enterprises need to seriously reflect upon if they are serious about continous improvement, eliminating waste and most importantly impacting the bottom line in the most prudent way possible.

  1. Whenever a project status goes RED, hold a meeting that feels like a blowhard jamboree. Build consensus and get all participants to agree that f something isn’t working, do more of it. Add more people to projects, take more up-front planning time to mitigate all risk, encourage microscopic detail in requirements and create ever-bigger and more complicated charts and graphs to track every detail.
  2. Persons suffering from Project Management sometimes run meetings known as post-mortems, where they seek to find others on which to place the blame for project failure, and the fact the future turned out differently to their expectations.
  3. Find a local user group or online forum of peers. Attend a PMI meeting and find other failures that can provide mental disorder support. Convince yourself that your thought processes are sound. After all, they are backed by bodies of knowledge such as PMBoK.

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