Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Enterprise Architecture: Professional Development is on the decline...

Corporations are cutting back on education for its employees which should mean that folks should be taking education into their own hands. Sadly, most people aren't continuing to grow...

In my humble opinion, this is stupidity at its finest and both parties are equally guilty. Just because your employer won't pay, doesn't mean you shouldn't spend your own time to grow. The job market demands the best and brightest and with so many corporations in trouble, you need to do whatever it takes to be on the top of the pile.

Likewise, if a corporation isn't investing in its people, how can they expect to remain competitive in the long haul? Of course, there is nothing wrong with short-term expense reductions in order to survive, but sadly much of the cost cutting exercises tend to be permanent.

Enterprise architecture can only be realized to the level of mediocrity if folks are allowed to be cube turtles for years at a time. Education varies greatly, but it's something you have to think about, not as a benefit (because it benefits the company for you to gain knowledge faster), but as something that you can use to further your career.

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