Monday, May 11, 2009
How come IT managers aren't asking themselves How do I reward my developers for the little things they get right?
For doing the mundane well on a day to day basis, it is good to recognise the developers effort verbally to them. An honest thank you that mentions the specific behaviour and its positive repercussions to you personally will be well received, adjust the language to suite each individual. (Note that other developers within earshot may also respond to this by increasing their efforts in this specific activity.)
How come managers are noodling the following:
- Formal written (email) acknowledgment and praise to senior managers of the teams efforts and successes. (Note that acknowledging individuals alone may damage team spirit)
- Work the hours you expect your team to do. If they absolutely must work late for a deadline, be there in support Go to bat for the team. Refuse to let them be forced to work long periods of overtime without compensation.
- Protect them from level politics and stress.
- Give your team the best equipment you can afford. Good tools show respect and improve productivity. While you are at it, kidnap the clowns who think that developers should have the same desktops as everyone else.