Sunday, March 22, 2009
Enterprise Architecture in a declining economy...
To cause a transformation the organization needs to release the death grip on what you think is important based on assumptions about the past...

Perception management is important, but isn't the ability to fix stagnation more important? Modern enterprises lack agility and most certainly aren't innovative. Whenever you have created a culture that the perceptions of your boss are more important than the perceptions of your customers then you are most certainly doomed to mediocrity if not till eternity.
Cost reductions drive IT to the application portfolio and eliminate redundant technologies. Power vendor strategies and open source will only increase to the detriment of those small vendors who have only one value proposition. Their fate is to lower their prices, to figure out how to become acquired by larger players or become exstinct. In my travels, I have ran across many innovative companies in the space of static analysis, federated identity, ECM and SOA that haven't yet figured out that enterprises are behaving differently in today's economic climate and that they need to remix their approach.
Enterprises are revisiting their vendors and focusing on making their application portfolio smaller. To be successful in this undertaking, one needs to have a mastergrip on business architecture and an intimate understanding of business process. If an enterprise can eliminate specialized processes and in essence commoditize themselves, they can realize cost savings they seek...

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Perception management is important, but isn't the ability to fix stagnation more important? Modern enterprises lack agility and most certainly aren't innovative. Whenever you have created a culture that the perceptions of your boss are more important than the perceptions of your customers then you are most certainly doomed to mediocrity if not till eternity.
Cost reductions drive IT to the application portfolio and eliminate redundant technologies. Power vendor strategies and open source will only increase to the detriment of those small vendors who have only one value proposition. Their fate is to lower their prices, to figure out how to become acquired by larger players or become exstinct. In my travels, I have ran across many innovative companies in the space of static analysis, federated identity, ECM and SOA that haven't yet figured out that enterprises are behaving differently in today's economic climate and that they need to remix their approach.
Enterprises are revisiting their vendors and focusing on making their application portfolio smaller. To be successful in this undertaking, one needs to have a mastergrip on business architecture and an intimate understanding of business process. If an enterprise can eliminate specialized processes and in essence commoditize themselves, they can realize cost savings they seek...