Saturday, February 07, 2009


How come the world of Identity doesn't collaborate with the world of Security?

Ever notice how the identity community focuses on the features of security products but never spends any time noodling whether their security products are written securely?

Instead of throwing daggers at the ECM community (Documentum, Stellent, etc), the OpenID community, supports of the Liberty Alliance or even the folks who still haven't figured out that Smalltalk is a dead language, I have decided to take action by making our next meeting of OWASP available via webinar.

We will have Mary Ruddy of Project Higgins and Ramesh Nagappan of Sun as our presenters. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, February 10th at 5pm Eastern in Hartford and is 100% free to attend. For those who can't attend in person, you are welcome to subscribe to our mailing list to receive webinar information...

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