Saturday, December 06, 2008


Eradicating Poverty in India

Regardless of whether you are a practitioner of Judaism, Islam or Christianity our one God commands us to pray, fast and be charitable...

I encourage readers of my blog to reach into their wallets as a show of appreciation and do two things this week.

1. Project Shanti Bhavan has a goal of providing housing to 336 children of deprived backgrounds from pre-school to grade 12. It is a world-class institution committed to excellence and globally shared values. Having a roof over one's head is the first step in making poverty history.

2. Participate in Microfinance. Charity usually requires giving people fish where Microfinance requires people to fish on their own. There are many entrepreneurs on the planet that have great ideas on how to lift themselves out of poverty but just need to borrow a few bucks to get them started. Sites such as Kiva allow us that are weathly and not self-focused to help others. The thought of knowing that you can help others while also getting your money back should make the decision a lot easier.

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