Friday, October 17, 2008
Celebrating India's currency decline
The rupee is now trading lower against the US dollar and there are many ways Americans can exploit this...

Several years ago, I decided to use my blog to counter the conspiracy of Indian outsourcing while focusing on something that employees of Indian outsourcing firms themselves have outsourced which is the global support for making poverty history. In India, you can feed 100 school children for only $25.
Imagine what would happen if every person from India reading my blog figured out a way to personally donate to a charity I endorse: Undavum Karangal which I was turned onto by several employees of Cognizant. Sadly, employees of Wipro and Infosys remain disturbly silent when it comes to encouraging individuals of their firms to help end hunger not only in India but other parts of the planet.
Anyway, I already sent my check to sponsor both Eid celebrations for 2009 in India...

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Several years ago, I decided to use my blog to counter the conspiracy of Indian outsourcing while focusing on something that employees of Indian outsourcing firms themselves have outsourced which is the global support for making poverty history. In India, you can feed 100 school children for only $25.
Imagine what would happen if every person from India reading my blog figured out a way to personally donate to a charity I endorse: Undavum Karangal which I was turned onto by several employees of Cognizant. Sadly, employees of Wipro and Infosys remain disturbly silent when it comes to encouraging individuals of their firms to help end hunger not only in India but other parts of the planet.
Anyway, I already sent my check to sponsor both Eid celebrations for 2009 in India...