Monday, July 07, 2008


The future state of building identity aware enterprise applications...

Metadirectories aren't dead
is a story told by Matt Flynn. Here is the following quote: which I believe is the next frontier of discussion.

Imagine if Peoplesoft could avoid having its own database and instead update Active Directory natively. Eliminating the latency of updates could potentially increase the security of other applications. I would think that instead of having a management strategy where identity is still spread all over the enterprise, it would make better sense to consolidate to one directory where Microsoft is currently the best choice. I do hope that Nishant Kaushik, Jackson Shaw,Ian Yip, Mark Wilcox and Kim Cameron will continue the discussion on how future enterprise applications should be built. While they are at it, I would love insight into whether an application should be claims aware and integrate with an STS (Microsoft approach) or should they instead look at CARML/AAPML (Oracle)...

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