Monday, May 12, 2008


Sun in Microsoft's Rearview Mirror on Software Security

Gunnar Peterson noted that Sun is in Microsoft's rearview mirror on the topic of software security and that they have lost their engineering way.

The funny thing is that it wouldn't take much effort for Sun to catch up. For example, imagine if Sun decided to not only sponsor the next meeting of OWASP but literally made it mandatory for all of its employees near Boston and New York to attend.

Mabye the first step is for Sun bloggers such as Jonas Dias, Pat Patterson, Paul Walker, John Morrison, Joerg Schwarz, Frank Wickham, Lawrence Spracklen, Martin Englund, Robin Goldfarb Wilensky, Takashi Shitamichi and others to agree to attend the next meeting closest to them, talk about it in their blogs and to encourage at least ten others to attend...

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