Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sometimes I forget to be human...
The blogosphere is filled with discussions around security, ECM, knowledge management and even how to make process even heavier, but missing from the conversation is how each of us can make the planet a better place to live...

In 2007, I was savage in the pursuit of charity and encouraging others to contribute to meaningful causes. I have blogged less on this topic in 2008, not because I don't feel it is important but more importantly, I feel there are other aspects of my persona that need addressing.
Starting today, I will be embarking on 1000 acts of kindness. 2.5 acts of kindness a day equals 1000 acts in 12 months. Somewhat of a simple goal if you really think deeply about it. More importantly, I must inspire my co-workers and other communities which I participate in to also engage in the acts of kindness program.
Another goal that I will immediately address is to right one wrong that I have done in my life. The wrong I have chosen to right is to volunteer my time to making the IT systems for my town secure. In high school, I was known for helping out students stay eligible for sports by modifying their grades (slightly).
I hope I get the support of my friends, family, coworkers and bloggers in helping me make myself a better person. Pray, fast and be charitable...

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In 2007, I was savage in the pursuit of charity and encouraging others to contribute to meaningful causes. I have blogged less on this topic in 2008, not because I don't feel it is important but more importantly, I feel there are other aspects of my persona that need addressing.
Starting today, I will be embarking on 1000 acts of kindness. 2.5 acts of kindness a day equals 1000 acts in 12 months. Somewhat of a simple goal if you really think deeply about it. More importantly, I must inspire my co-workers and other communities which I participate in to also engage in the acts of kindness program.
Another goal that I will immediately address is to right one wrong that I have done in my life. The wrong I have chosen to right is to volunteer my time to making the IT systems for my town secure. In high school, I was known for helping out students stay eligible for sports by modifying their grades (slightly).
- I give you permission to read into this one
I hope I get the support of my friends, family, coworkers and bloggers in helping me make myself a better person. Pray, fast and be charitable...