Thursday, May 22, 2008
Links for 2008-05-22
A perspective on telecommuting that I wouldn't have thought about...
Most organizations are messy affairs run by fallible human beings.
Stuart King is on the money. He forgot to talk about folks who won't even consider it.
Sad to say that the office of the future will make this perspective even more challenging to realize.
I wonder what the Ruby on Rails crowd thinks about this posting?
Gunnar Peterson talks about the business model of his firm. Having personal experience working with him, I agree that getting one person of high quality is better than jamming 15 blue suited kindergartners is better. One perspective that Gunnar didn't discuss is how us enterprisey types have been conditioned by Indian outsourcing firms such as Cognizant, Wipro and Infosys to have more folks than needed or is practical...