Monday, January 14, 2008
Consulting Firms and Event Sponsorship
Many folks know that I am the lead for the Hartford CT Chapter of OWASP. I was recently approached by a consulting firm who wanted to sponsor some of the door prizes for the next event by providing 20 1GB USB Thumb Drives with their logo. Part of me wants to reject the request while another part of me wants to see others participate in the same manner...

Everyone uses thumb drives almost everyday which means that the Thumb drive will be traveling across the world acting as a sign of recognition and has a great return in terms of branding. If that logo drives traffic to their company then its worth every penny.
In simple economic terms, a 1GB Thumb Drive goes for about $20. If you were to provide 20 of them for a grand total of $400, that is pretty cheap in terms of how many impressions one could make. Likewise, the anticipated attendance for our next user group meeting is about 200 folks which equates to $2 per person/impression. Consider the fact that the CISO's, CTO's and Enterprise Architects from many of the local firms will be in attendance, I doubt you could get anywhere near this value proposition in a commercial conference.
Would love to hear your thoughts, proposals and ways to increase the value proposition for all involved parties...

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Everyone uses thumb drives almost everyday which means that the Thumb drive will be traveling across the world acting as a sign of recognition and has a great return in terms of branding. If that logo drives traffic to their company then its worth every penny.
In simple economic terms, a 1GB Thumb Drive goes for about $20. If you were to provide 20 of them for a grand total of $400, that is pretty cheap in terms of how many impressions one could make. Likewise, the anticipated attendance for our next user group meeting is about 200 folks which equates to $2 per person/impression. Consider the fact that the CISO's, CTO's and Enterprise Architects from many of the local firms will be in attendance, I doubt you could get anywhere near this value proposition in a commercial conference.
Would love to hear your thoughts, proposals and ways to increase the value proposition for all involved parties...