Friday, December 14, 2007
Links for 2007-12-14
With Enterprise Architecture on the rocks these days, organizations are looking for a fresh approach to governance. Most folks become frustrated or ambivalent after a few years of being squeezed between centralization and localization.
Technology has caught on a lot faster in the Caribbean than it has in India which by the way makes a better destination for outsourcing.
Joel Spolsky comments that typically a company like Accenture or IBM would charge $300 an hour for the services of some recent Yale PoliSci grad who took a 6 week course in dot net programming, and who is earning $47,000 a year and hoping that it’ll provide enough experience to get into business school—anyway, it costs so much to hire these programmers that you’re not going to allowed to build things with Ruby on Rails no matter how cool Ruby is and no matter how spiffy the Ajax is going to be. I wonder if there are other perspectives?
had created security components that handled the respective requirements adequately but were slightly different in each case. I knew that they all shared the same core idea of access control based on authentication and authorization but just didn’t get to the point of building a generic framework that handle all those cases with little customization. It is curious though why developers are concluding the need for a generic authorization framework but not software vendors such as Microsoft, EMC and others?
Becoming an Enterprise Architect is either really simple or really difficult depending on your background. Most Enterprise Architects have spend sufficient time understanding business challenges while also focusing on technology issues where a consulting background only usually leads to spot skills while missing out on the opportunity to see the big picture. My recommendation for anyone wanting to become an enterprise architect would be to actually join a technology firm such as Microsoft, EMC and Oracle as the need for having an Enterprise Architecture program that is internally focused is starting to appear on the radar as is a lot faster career path than the traditional enterprise.
Several great perspectives about SCRUM, PMBOK and other PM considerations
Todd Biske comments on the role of internal audit. I bet if you had a deep conversation with them, they would you understand otherwise unstated business challenges that aren't being addressed by current enterprise architecture activities. You will also find that internal audit is generally supportive of improving enterprise security and could become a business sponsor for initiatives such as log management, entitlements management (XACML) and data masking. I wonder why Todd didn't mention that for perception management reasons it is also a good idea to network with them as they tend to have the ear of the CFO and CEO...