Monday, December 03, 2007


Links for 2007-12-03

  • Thoughts on Systems Integration, Business Intelligence, & Operational EfficienciesThe proliferation of disparate enterprise systems at organizations of all sizes has resulted in the amassing of huge amounts of data that is not easily analyzed and thus leaves organizations without the ability to synthesize the data into intelligence and use it to inform strategy. Opportunities for operational efficiencies are also missed because these enterprise systems reside on islands with limited abilities to communicate with other systems.

  • Microsoft and Google Both Ship OpenID
    Microsoft Research announced an experimental Provider while Google announced the ability to comment on Blogger blogs using OpenID.

  • The first "Social" Content Management Application
    ECM 2.0 software must cater for the younger generation as they are the real knowledge workers. Nowadays, kids are web-native, bebo inhabitants. Usage patterns are vastly removed from us older types. They think and speak “web” where most enterprise architecture and project management types don't.

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