Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Enterprise Budgeting Antipatterns

Two years ago, James Governor of RedMonk and I had an interesting conversation on how much money large enterprises waste on software licenses. Sadly, there was no great way to understand waste when one purchases enterprise licenses. I have been thinking about what he said which made me think of many antipatterns though...

Every year about this time, venture capitalists and software vendors alike ping me in order to gain insight into how large enterprises procure software. The intriguing thing is that this remains an enigma for even enterprisey insiders such as myself as there is much repeatable or disciplined about it as it relies heavily on the notion of influence. I wonder if influence is a best practice for enterprise architecture or will be its downfall?

Anyway, here are three antipatterns in terms of enterprise budgeting and software procurement:

If you know of other budgeting antipatterns, please share...

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