Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thinking about my New Years Resolutions...
The end of year is fast approaching which makes it a good time to reflect not only on accomplishments but on areas in which one can improve...

So, how do I become a better blogger? Do I succumb to the pressure of the few by removing otherwise annoying photos from my blog at the expense of removing my own creativity? Do I become more sensitive to others and attempt to mediate disputes between other bloggers and encourage consensus driven thinking or instead throw out ideas no matter how untested or time proven in hopes that others will make them better?
Do I stop attacking industry analysts and admit defeat in that the odds are better for me becoming President than in industry analysts at the large firms truly presenting open source on the same playing field across the board as commercial proprietary closed source offerings?
Should I stop throwing daggers at the ECM community for being the only community without any notion of a reference implementation, the inability to interoperate, for not participating in modern user-centric identity, not understanding the importance of externalizing authorization or even having any published patterns?
The challenge of moving from good to great within the blogosphere is in having a keen sense of what others what to hear. To date, I have used this time to share my own thoughts and things that were of interest to me. Maybe in 2008, I should remix my blog and instead focus on providing insight into areas that others want to understand where software vendors, industry analysts and even other enterprise architects can ask open questions where I will attempt to provide transparent answers.
The problem with this approach is that it would require others to start asking questions? I see no reason to wait till next year, so let's get started...

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So, how do I become a better blogger? Do I succumb to the pressure of the few by removing otherwise annoying photos from my blog at the expense of removing my own creativity? Do I become more sensitive to others and attempt to mediate disputes between other bloggers and encourage consensus driven thinking or instead throw out ideas no matter how untested or time proven in hopes that others will make them better?
Do I stop attacking industry analysts and admit defeat in that the odds are better for me becoming President than in industry analysts at the large firms truly presenting open source on the same playing field across the board as commercial proprietary closed source offerings?
Should I stop throwing daggers at the ECM community for being the only community without any notion of a reference implementation, the inability to interoperate, for not participating in modern user-centric identity, not understanding the importance of externalizing authorization or even having any published patterns?
The challenge of moving from good to great within the blogosphere is in having a keen sense of what others what to hear. To date, I have used this time to share my own thoughts and things that were of interest to me. Maybe in 2008, I should remix my blog and instead focus on providing insight into areas that others want to understand where software vendors, industry analysts and even other enterprise architects can ask open questions where I will attempt to provide transparent answers.
The problem with this approach is that it would require others to start asking questions? I see no reason to wait till next year, so let's get started...