Friday, November 30, 2007
Links for 2007-11-30

InformationWeek notes that the role of CIO is devolving while the role of the Chief Architect is gaining importance. One trend is that the process-oriented CIO's are being displaced by business leaders on one side while the enterprise is starting to appreciate that communication skills are the table stakes and that a strong technology savvy chief architect is what sustains competitive advantage.
Taran Rampersad discusses myths regarding race and intelligence. I wonder why he didn't define race as the mental handcuff that individuals place on themselves.
David Linthicum does a good job at describing orchestration but twists one small thing in that he mixed orchestration with choreography in terms of acknowledging organization boundaries.
Here are some great links to noodle.
Why are resumes of IT employees so uniformly horrific? It gets even worse when you read the resumes from Indian Outsourcing firms.
Dave Oliver acknowledges Enterprise Architecture roles can't really be seen as process driven and will depend on a high degree of specialised skills so we are talking about a high degree of practice.
I wonder if there is any industry models to calculate ROI on paying industry analyst firms to write reports?
I wonder if Sun realizes that in order to become an open source company, you have to do a lot better at retaining top talent. This does explain why Don Bowen moved his blog here. I would hope that the folks at Microsoft would sieze this opportunity by hiring them to work on ADAM.
Enterprise Architects should be encouraged to move beyond traditional analyst firms and have conversations with those who have an open source business model, especially if you are seeking advice on open source.