Thursday, November 29, 2007
Links for 2007-11-29

Todd Biske has a great post on the notion of continual learning. I surely would hate to interview with him.
Good to see that UI folks also are embracing the pattern metaphor. Still awaiting the ECM crowd to step up though.
Great to see that OpenSSO is starting to acknowledge the importance of coarse-grained authorization. The one thing that I would love to see show up in all of the Web Access Management products is CAPTCHA support in that sometimes you need to understand more than just if a user is a directory entry (aka fake authentication) but whether the user is a human.
Andrew Savory will be discussing this important topic tonight with Microsoft Research and their legal folks. Let's arm him to be successful
But have you ever thought about how much a bathroom influences our perception of a place? Instead of focusing on size of cubicle, maybe we need to understand the orientation of stalls?
Mike Kavis has been busy researching enterprise initiatives and has some interesting conclusions to share.