Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Links for 2007-11-28

Alex Fletcher of Entiva yet again posts brilliant insights into how enterprises need to focus on the creation of transparent ecosystems and how our enterprise architect needs to intersect with the open source model as part of a long range strategy. IT shouldn't solely focus on costs, but should always focus on supporting core business objectives better. Absolutely brilliant.
Bex Huff shares info on an Oracle skunk works project to help Oracle customers submit ideas, make requests and vote on which changes they prefer. For the record, I think this is brilliant and the transparency it brings to otherwise insular decision making is huge. Consider for a moment whether Craig Randall would ever actually allow customers to provide feedback on enhancements where he doesn't mediate and filter but instead actually allows customers to even engage each other. One of the things that I tend to be inciteful about is the lack of security within many enterprise products. The problem space of XACML is well known within many vendors but they have a vested interest in not allowing their customers to mount any form of campaign. By bringing democracy to the process, Oracle is doing the right thing in temrs of vendor relationship management. I wonder when EMC, BMC, CA and others will start following Oracle's lead?
In an interview, a former Google employee, who also happened to work for Microsoft, shares his views of Google and Microsoft's work environments. He discusses areas that Microsoft should improve to be more competitive in recruiting talent, including providing free cafe food, increasing the salary, offering more continuing ed and providing private offices. My take says that large enterprises may do well to observe the lessons learned here especially when you have the need to hire thousands of IT employees as you attempt to recover from failed outsourcing efforts while bringing it back inhouse.
Society is getting way to inclusive...
The customer can have any colour he wants, as long as it's black. Customers can also ask for better security models as long as they don't require the software to actually change.
Google has announced a contest open to high school students during the Open Source Developers' Conference in Brisbane, Australia. The Google Highly Open Participation Contest was created to help introduce high school students to open source software development. What a great way to introduce our future to technology.
Japanese automaker Nissan is suing Software AG because it objects to the hefty fees charged by the German vendor to make its applications available to Nissan’s outsourcing partners. It sounds as if closed source software vendors are starting an interesting trend of penalizing large enterprises for outsourcing by charging them additional licensing fees. To date, this phenomena hasn't been well discussed but otherwise occurs very frequently. I wonder which industry analyst firm has the best advice for their clients in this regard?
Many of the advancements that were leading to better employee placement, better working conditions, and the balance that was building between employee care and economics were virtually destroyed. And it felt, at least to me, that we’d almost dropped back into the Middle Ages.