Saturday, November 24, 2007
Links for 2007-11-24

Tim O'Reilly is doing something noble in recognizing the important role of women in technology. Many of us men need to encourage more young women to pursue careers in our discipline.
I wonder if there is anything else that bloggers are discussing that isn't enterprise ready?
Most industry analysts repeat in a humorless monotone the sentiments of those who pay their bills. Luckily, one stands out in the crowd and his name is James Governor. His blog on corporate social responsibility and its importance takes courage not demonstrated by his industry peers. I hope that you will read his blog and to continue to share more of his thinking on this topic.
For every redundancy that a smart outsourcing program eliminates and every dollar that it saves, there also exists an increased element of risk in managing operations from a distance, both simple and complex. Outsourcing should be about more than just rate abritrage as this isn't sustainable.
On the night of 2 December 1984, over 35 tons of toxic gases leaked from a pesticide plant in Bhopal owned by the US-based multinational Union Carbide Corporation (UCC)'s Indian affiliate Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL). The gases that leaked consisted mainly of at least 24 tons of poisonous Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) and other reaction products, possibly including toxins such as hydrogen cyanide, nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide. In the next 2-3 days more than 7,000 people died and many more were injured. Over the last 21 years at least 15,000 more people have died from illnesses related to gas exposure. Today more than 100,000 people continue to suffer chronic and debilitating illnesses for which treatment is largely ineffective. Sadly though, no one has ever said sorry.
It is intriguing to see the architecture of eBay which balances simplicity, cost, technology and other factors in order to achieve success.
This blog provides several interesting insights into making enterprise applications highly available.
Find out now...
Paul Madsen states that federated identity involves/requires identity outsourcing - essentially, an RP decides to 'buy' identity rather than 'build' it, and thereby enjoys some reduced set of responsibilities. The conversation that hasn't yet occurred is that in any form of outsourcing, the notion of indemnification is an important attribute, especially in B2B scenarios. I wonder if Paul has any thoughts on how to hold identity providers liable if you are a relying party?