Sunday, November 18, 2007
Links for 2007-11-18
Aloof Schipperke discusses enterprise architecture and social networking and wonders if this will result in an insular community. The funny thing is that the exact opposite thing will happen. If multiple software vendors observe a formation of Enterprise Architects across enterprises then they will most certainly attempt to expand the conversation.
Mike Walker nails it by saying: I think the issue here isn’t that process is talked about too much, but it isn’t grounded with the reality aspects. One reality is that I haven't met any full-time employee of a large Enterprise that is an Enterprise Architect discuss Zachmann or other EA frameworks for more than 15 minutes a year. The folks who tend to talk about it are almost always either industry analysts, magazine writers, from the Federal Government or consultants who provide enterprise architecture services but otherwise are not enterprise architects
Mark Wilcox points out how Microsoft is not genuine in terms of their support for charity. The funny thing is that Microsoft employees better exercise their right to remain silent and accept defeat here. I wonder whether Oracle will support Kiva before Microsoft?
Simplicity is one of those goals that everyone talks about, but few achieve. When designing applications, simplicity is supposedly a paramount concern, yet many applications never achieve that state. Very often, we see simple applications that are very basic in terms of functionality. Or, we have highly functional applications that are very complex for end users.
It becomes a natural balancing act to stay nimble with our iterative learning process and to stay true to the strategic vision of the product. The key to staying true to both masters is properly balancing your backlog.
I wonder if Jackson Shaw will acknowledge that the real reason identity management vendors aren't solving for this problem is that they believe that this should be a separate and distinct product and their customers are too stupid to know better.
Maybe we should discuss ways to make passwords disappear?
Microsoft is trying to position themselves to challenge Open Source Software by attempting to redefine what Open Source means. This is a tactic taken from Enterprise Architects who have changed the meaning of governance, diversity, innovation, leadership and so on. I would do the same if I were Microsoft.
Should Linux support the ability to externalize credentials to Active Directory? Should Linux support NIS? Should Linux be able to participate in an AD GPO model? Should Linux have a mechanism to support full-disk encryption?