Sunday, November 11, 2007


Links for 2007-11-11

  • How Do You Describe A Project Problem?
    There is so much knowledge about software project management available in bookstores, universities, businesses and the internet, if you encounter a problem in your project, chances are the right solution is already invented and waiting for you to find it.

  • Adventure Game Studio
    A point-and-click way to make video games absolutely free.

  • EA and Software Factories
    Mike Walker provides an interesting perspective on how design patterns can provide a great way of communicating and accelerating solution development in the enterprise.

  • The Problem is what people consider important
    I couldn't have said it better than Taran Rampersad

  • Bullshit Bingo
    A great way to stay awake in otherwise useless meetings.

  • Labor Shortage and Outsourcing Contradiction
    Many believe that the skills shortage is fabricated. What do you believe?

  • Sun's Open Source Strategy Questioned
    Former VP Larry Singer says he left Sun because he disagreed with CEO Schwartz's over-emphasis on open-sourcing when the company should have been focusing on generating revenues. Maybe it is a good thing that he left as he thought that open source was all about free when it is all about connecting with new customers and helping build brand.

  • Seven Reasons why Money is NOT the best motivator
    So much for bell-curve compensation theories.

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