Monday, November 26, 2007
Have you hugged an Enterprise Architect lately?
What does it take for an Enterprise Architect to get a little respect?

I am known for attacking software vendors whom prefer to shove software out the door while not thinking about security, throwing daggers at industry analysts who continue to treat open source as a second class citizen by not putting it in the same Quadrants and Waves as expensive, proprietary closed source offerings which results in no love for this Enterprise Architect. If you are from this demographic, you may find my postings annoying, but if you happen to be from a large enterprise, you may find them insightful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Today, I have hit a new low in that James Robertson put me in the same category as Robert McIlree whom I have decided to exersise my right to remain silent based on his inability to engage in a meaningful conversation. Robert only talks about processes and ways to make it heavier where at least I tend to talk about practices and ways to make processes lighter. Of course, I am willing to engage in a dialog with anyone who not only wants to make enterprise architecture better but also improve the human condition.
James and I of course disagree on the value on Smalltalk within today's enterprise, but does this disagreement automatically make me enterprisey? Other than Smalltalk, I find many of James Robertson's posts on the money where as I can't say the same about Robert. Can I get a little bit of love?

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I am known for attacking software vendors whom prefer to shove software out the door while not thinking about security, throwing daggers at industry analysts who continue to treat open source as a second class citizen by not putting it in the same Quadrants and Waves as expensive, proprietary closed source offerings which results in no love for this Enterprise Architect. If you are from this demographic, you may find my postings annoying, but if you happen to be from a large enterprise, you may find them insightful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Today, I have hit a new low in that James Robertson put me in the same category as Robert McIlree whom I have decided to exersise my right to remain silent based on his inability to engage in a meaningful conversation. Robert only talks about processes and ways to make it heavier where at least I tend to talk about practices and ways to make processes lighter. Of course, I am willing to engage in a dialog with anyone who not only wants to make enterprise architecture better but also improve the human condition.
James and I of course disagree on the value on Smalltalk within today's enterprise, but does this disagreement automatically make me enterprisey? Other than Smalltalk, I find many of James Robertson's posts on the money where as I can't say the same about Robert. Can I get a little bit of love?