Sunday, November 25, 2007
Even More Links for 2007-11-25

Gunnar Peterson provides an interesting perspective of how Enterprise Architects need to think about authorization, even when many vendors have no incentive of helping them fix the problem. Maybe Gunnar has some thoughts on how the identity crowd could start conversations with the ECM and BPM crowds since this conversation has yet to happen as well.
Max provides insights into the essence of enterprise architecture.
Seems counterintuitive. Doesn't it?
Yakov Fain provides interesting insight into the American mindset of home ownership. For the record, I have owned my own home (paid in full) for the last five years. The same thing can be said of my car. Interest is evil.
Gary Short shares his wonderful insights on patterns. I would love to hear him do a podcast with the folks at Redmonk
OK, for the record I am jealous of David Heinemier Hansson as he gets to use bad words at work, while I must focus on perception management and political correctness.