Friday, October 26, 2007


Links for 2007-10-26

  • Are you worth the American Bottom Line?
    American politicians are following in the footsteps of their Chinese counterparts and they are allowing their citizens to be used and abused by big business as long as the business keeps on churning.

  • A Conversation on Architecture
    The use of Maven and ANT in large enterprises is rarely seen. I am of the belief that no one figured out the CIO level cartoonPowerpoint presentation that demonstrates an ROI for upgrading which is especially important since most CIOs nowadays have never built valuable working software themselves.

  • Security is Everybody's Job
    I wonder if this means that folks such as Craig Randall should be more aggressive in thinking about security or should he exercise his right to remain silent on this topic? Maybe he should do lunch with Sean Kline?

  • Hey, do I know you?
    Uriel Maimon comments on authentication considerations but avoids the question of even if I know you, do I know what you can do?

  • Selling Oriented Architecture
    This blog entry was more about selling product oriented architectures and most certainly avoided any discussion regarding security oriented architectures.

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