Monday, October 15, 2007


Helping the Hungry in India...

I wonder if employees of Wipro, Cognizant, TCS, Infosys, Accenture and other India Outsourcing firms would be willing to step up personally in helping me end hunger in India...

I will be visiting Bangalore, Pune and Delhi in the January timeframe for various speaking engagements. Whenever I travel to a foreign land, I feel like I must touch the daily life's of the poor. I normally would seek out a way to participate in local charities that are targeted towards building homes, but I simply won't be there long enough.

Have you ever heard of the theory regarding a butterfly flapping its wings causing a Tsunami? I have asked myself, what would happen if I bought a bag of groceries for ten poor families in each destination and I got employees of India based outsourcing firms to each volunteer to purchase a bag of groceries on their own, would we notice the effect in America?

Am I altruistic and not pragmatic? maybe? but wouldn't it be wonderful if a poor family could have a good meal for a couple of days and know that some stranger actually cares about their general well-being. Imagine the ability for school aged children to go to school and be able to focus on what is being taught vs being distracted by the rumbling in their bellies. I bet it will pay dividends.

It is my thought that George Alexander, Apoorv Durga are kind human beings and will assist me in making poverty history by not only amplifying this cause in their blogs but in also emailing it to their coworkers asking them to join in...

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