Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Transparent ECM and SOA

Laurence Hart comments on the need for increased transparency and how ECM and SOA should converge...

The server side of many ECM platforms still leave a lot to be desired. I agree with Laurence is terms of the importance of continuous improvement for client APIs but wonder which is more important?

Yes, all good architectures take work and ECM vendors shouldn't be so hesitant to do a little bit. Have they heard of the notion of merciless refactoring? Maybe we can talk about why ECM vendors understaff their development teams as a separate discussion.

Jesse Wilkins is a big proponent of records management and has mentioned concepts such as IDARS and products such as Alchemy. I wonder what features does Alchemy have that is missing from Stellent and Documentum?

I don't believe it is as much as a catch-22 as it is a trap. The issue at hand is that there are more customers that want to integrate with products NOT from the ECM vendor than there are that do. The issue is that ECM vendors have been ignoring the desires of their customers and prioritize based on insular internal interactions over talking with others in the value chain.

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