Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Links for 2007-09-19

  • Secure coding - Getting Buy-In
    Gunnar Peterson shares his advice on secure coding within an enterprise context that for the most part I agree with. Of course, he should ask the question whether secure coding should be championed by the security team or is it better positioned by being championed by Enterprise Architects? Likewise, he skipped over an important success factor in terms of security at large and that is the acknowledgement that the vast majority of folks in large enterprises who have security responsibility don't know how to program.

  • Enterprise Architecture and the Invasion of the Project Snatchers
    It is good that Satyam's Chief Mr. Raju acknowledges that they should use Americans for higher value American projects and others will agree with this as sound business judgement. However, one of the topics not discussed is why would an American want to work for an Indian outsourcing firm especially if they are at the top of their game. Indian outsourcing firms have the stigma of not paying as well as their American counterparts and therefore won't gain access to the same quality of talent. Every American I know that has worked for an Indian outsourcing firm is severely underpaid.

  • Thinking SOA...
    David Linthicum shares some great thinking on thinking about SOA. Most folks tend to get it twisted.

  • MySQL 5.1
    Too bad the MySQL community is still busy misleading folks by convincing them that their product is open source when you can't find 100% of the code base for the current release. I guess you can twist words or they can move to a model such as Liferay which is 100% open source for life.

  • Linux is NOT ready for the laptop
    Linux is also not ready for the Enterprise desktop either

  • GlassFish V2 ships
    I wonder which analyst firm won't be willing to show GlassFish in the Leaders Quadrant?

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