Sunday, August 05, 2007


More Links for 2007-08-05

  • Which ESB for me?
    Another industry analyst gets it twisted by stating: the ESB concept has matured, the functionality checklists are of less value - everyone ticks most of the boxes which holds true if you decide to ignore enterprise security considerations. Some of the ESBs out there still don't support BPEL 2.0, nevermind important considerations such as SPML, XACML, WS-Federation and so on. Maybe, Steve Craggs could step up and create a better checklist around ESB and security and make it publicly available?

  • Enterprise Architecture is like herding cats
    It is easier to elect Hillary Clinton as president than it is to get Enterprise Architects to get on the same page

  • Is Strategy or Operations King?
    Andy Blumenthal asks an interesting question. While operations will be commoditized, it doesn't mean that it is important nor the center of attention. There are cheap commodities and expensive commodities and depending on which camp operations lands, that will determine the right answer. I still have to figure out if he could get his federal EA peers to start blogging?

  • Architecture of Consciousness
    If Enterprise Architecture has the danger of inducing schizophrenia, then as an anti-thesis, Huichol’s shamanic vision would be the redeemer

  • Why do software vendors create insecure products?
    The real question is why do enterprises still knowingly procure insecure software products?

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