Thursday, August 09, 2007


Enterprise Use-Case for OpenID and/or InfoCard

I figured I would critique the response of Marco of HP to an earlier posting...

I suspect that I am probably asking too much for software vendors researching user-centric approaches to have conversations with other vendors. In reality, I think I need to acknowledge that research really means preparing the internal story for one HP product to integrate with another HP product and ignore the fact that us customers may want to integrate products across our vendors.

Anyway, my perspective still stands that regardless of whether it is user-centric, Kerberos or any other approaches, HP and Microsoft need to become more active in getting folks in the BPM, ECM, ESB, ERP, CRM and other spaces to implement standards. Right now, I can't compare two standards in terms of value because neither is implemented within products I care about.

While I understand the interesting taxonomy you have suggested, I am not sure that I agree with your perspective. What would a benefit service be except a B2B context? Do you think of the services that United Healthcare, Aetna, Cigna, etc provide to large companies like Boeing, HP, etc and their employees a supply-chain play or something more flexible?

In terms of the perspective of roles, I too disagree with rigidity. Many of our systems we implement reflect the financials of our partners not only against roles we define but also allow the partners to define their own views into how they define roles and organizational hierarchies and our systems adapt. The ability for the internal system to understand the organization chart of another enterprise is important and definetely not rigid.

This is not a belief but a fact. If you look at the discussion started by Brian Huff, Billy Cripe and Craig Randall in terms of the ECM domain, they are all admitting the lack of flexibility in terms of their product architecture to even manage entitlements. I guess the thing that should be researched is how to help software vendors develop better architectural models for their software products.

Users and employees are not analogous. Too many current security models assume that folks within the firewall are all of one demographic. Have you ever heard of outsourcing? I suspect that you can probably find many shops where HP for example runs the desktop support operation and has a higher headcount in terms of users than the employees themselves. Ask yourself, how should HP employees interact with systems on the Internet if they happen to be at a client installation.

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