Thursday, July 26, 2007
Links for 2007-07-26
BSD is a great operating system and in many ways better than Linux. We need to move past the hype of the minute...
Noted Microsoft employee Marc Mercuri has published his book on Information Cards and CardSpace. The only deficiency I have noted is that they ignore Java. Maybe Mike Jones could figure out other authors to write the equivalent
Why are we still having conversations about how horrible project management is within large enterprises?
I wonder if James Robertson of Cincom could provide his vision for an ESB implemented in Smalltalk or will he still allow for SmallTalk to remain a second-class language?
I wonder if these folks have realized that part of evaluation is the ability to learn from others their experiences? I am willing to share if they leave a comment/trackback outlining their work contact information
Has Freeman Dyson become an evolution denier?