Friday, July 20, 2007
A Call for More EA Blogging...
Brandon Satrom also believes that we should have a call to action for more people to step out and get more ideas and dialogue around EA going. My current thinking says that we should direct this call to action directly at the respective Chief Architects within the Federal Government...

Figured I would share my thoughts on several questions he asked:
Ever notice that sometimes we spend more time using consulting firms to draw cartoons in Powerpoint than monies on the actual solution at hand? Usually the binder boy syndrome is caused by us asking for more initiatives to be top-down driven which in all reality is a waste of money. You may have noticed that more EA bloggers such as Nick Malik and Todd Biske believe more in middle-out approaches. Middle out approaches usually demand lighter weight approaches and certainly don't require binders.

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Figured I would share my thoughts on several questions he asked:
- What are some proven methods around iterative EA? We’ve all heard the chant of “Future State-Current State-Gap Analysis-Migration Plan” enough to have it embedded in our souls, but how do we leverage these good ideas in a way that doesn’t relegate EA to functioning as a team of Binder Boys?
Ever notice that sometimes we spend more time using consulting firms to draw cartoons in Powerpoint than monies on the actual solution at hand? Usually the binder boy syndrome is caused by us asking for more initiatives to be top-down driven which in all reality is a waste of money. You may have noticed that more EA bloggers such as Nick Malik and Todd Biske believe more in middle-out approaches. Middle out approaches usually demand lighter weight approaches and certainly don't require binders.
- Folks like Simon Guest with Microsoft (and many others), have started to collaborate with the User Experience community (The likes of Lou Rosenfeld, Peter Moreville, Jesse James Garret) for more interplay between Architecture and UX. Is this part of a bigger trend of moving away from EA as process and into EA “for the people?” I, for one, would love to see that happen, but what does that mean for the process- and framework-heavy aspects of traditional EA (I’m looking at you mister Zachman)?
- How can an organization already in bed with a major software vendor more towards welcoming open source where it makes sense? What experiences have others had in this realm?
- Is ECM mature enough to be of strategic value to most organizations, or does the visible lack of standards and market volatility mean that we aren’t there yet?