Saturday, May 05, 2007
Links for 2007-05-06
BPEL has become a favorite whipping boy of BPM vendors mainly in that if they throw daggers they can avoid exposing their products otherwise suboptimal architecture which isn't flexible enough to accomodate any form of standard BPM related, security related (e.g. XACML) or otherwise...
I humbly predict that WS-Federation will become more important than SAML within the next two years and will invalidate all the hard work already done by the Liberty Alliance.
Good to see articles attempting to bridge products in terms of security models using open standards. Hopefully though, folks at BEA will be noodling incorporating WS-Federation as an identity asserter within an upcoming service pack and not waiting for Weblogic 11
An interesting perspective from Gerry Gebel of The Burton Group. Hopefully, he can discuss the marriage between relationship and authorization in a way that the identity crowd will understand and hopefully do something about.
Good blogging software that now integrates with the most secure and scalable enterprise portal: Liferay Enterprise Portal
A well written blog on an architecture that deserves better coverage from the industry analyst community.
In the entire history of humankind, it is believed that tuberculosis has killed more people than any other disease (in shorter periods of time, the epidemics of the Black Death and AIDS have killed more). Tuberculosis dates back to at least 4000 BC and was present in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and India. Known as consumption, it was responsible for one in five deaths in 17th century London.
A blogger asks why there isn't anyone working on open source provisioning? I once ran across folks from Diamelle who had this pursuit but haven't heard from them in a long time