Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Links for 2007-05-02

  • Analyst Briefings in Second Life
    I wonder which analyst firm will be the first to adopt this model for talking with end-customers?

  • Widening Gap between Business and IT
    A proper perspective on outsourcing. Hopefully Bill Barr could expand on this posting in the future by also talking about perception management

  • IT Skills You'll Need in 2010
    It seems as if ComputerWorld figured out that IT executives want even more folks in their organization that don't understand IT. I suspect we will move further away from the mythical alignment beast

  • Security Architecture Blueprint
    Here is a thoughtful whitepaper produced by Gunnar Peterson that highlights key areas of concern for the enterprise that should be understood by members of AIIM, The Liberty Alliance and all those industry analysts who aren't asking questions towards vendors as to how they build security into their products

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