Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Links for 2007-05-01

Rewritten? Emphatically no! Refactoring? maybe? What I can say is that if folks are noodling refactoring, they should seriously consider getting participation from folks who are not consultants nor employed by software vendors. Diversity is a good thing.
Do folks still hoard work in order to appear important?
Here is a link that you should email not only to CIOs but to the CEO as well
Something I would personally endorse as the perspectives of the masses in large enterprises towards open source reminds me of an abortion gone wrong
David Dossot shares words of wisdom on business rules and testing. I wonder if he has any perspective on the business rules community at large and how many of them are process weenies who avoid talking about important topics such as architecture?
It is rare for Pat Patterson and I to agree. Maybe he might agree that one should be able to download Solaris 10 for the x86 platform for a CD image whereas the download site only allows for DVD installation
Gabriel Bechara comments on enterprise architecture and still supports the inaccurate cliche phrase of city planning and building codes. Most folks who have never actually done construction don't know where this analogy falls apart.