Thursday, April 26, 2007


Enterprise Architecture and the legalization of Marijuana

Many folks are advocates of the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes. I wonder what the conversation would sound like in the workplace if folks started smoking...

It would be interesting to understand HR policies around firing someone for doing something that became legal and otherwise is deemed an medical event. While safety is always a consideration, especially in manufacturing, it probably matters much less since much of this doesn't occur within the United States anymore.

I bet lots of folks would argue about decreased productivity without figuring out whether it may actually increase productivity. Imagine all the time savings that enterprise folks spend in useless meetings getting on the same page where they are asked to keep their presentations at a high-level and instead could share deeper details on IT solutions and it would be better received.

The one question I have always asked myself is who are the buyers of drugs? Economics would indicate that it isn't folks who work at McDonalds flipping burgers. I suspect there is a lot more drug usage in large enterprises (off premises) than folks would want to talk about publicly. Maybe legalization will be a form of emanicipation?

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