Sunday, January 07, 2007


Taxonomizing Open Source Analysis: Part Two

I was a little strong in some of my opinions in a previous blog entry on Taxonomizing Open Source Analysis and figured some refinement was necessary...

I am of the opinion that taxonomies shouldn't necessarily be applied to vendors and/or research but could be applied to analyst themselves. For example, if I were to take the Tekrati blog list as one example, wouldn't it be interesting to know which analysts are savage bloggers, which ones only do so periodically and which ones are hiding out?

I would further love to know as a buyer, especially in the open source space whether the analyst themselves have any real-world experiences with open source. For example, in the space of federated identity I can find hints that James Governor of Redmonk not only observed but actually participated. The funny thing is I wish he would blog on topics such as XACML and OpenID a little bit more. If the taxonomy classified not just their assigned coverage areas but what they really knew, that would be wonderful.

Another useful area to consider is having a way for enterprises to rate analyst firms in a transparent manner. Periodically, software vendors in startup mode ping me at work and are curious which analyst firms I respect. From the vendors perspective, they too would like a little more transparency. Consider that software vendors spend a lot of money on analyst relations yet they don't have a great way of measuring the other side. Some analysts in their blogs have mentioned that briefings should always be free and that in each conversation, insight will emerge which has value but from a vendors perspective, knowing that large enterprise customers are on the other end is even more valuable.

Finally, I figured I would share some of the unanswered questions from recent pings to industry analyst firms when it comes to open source in hopes that a couple of them may read it and get their juices flowing:

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