Monday, January 29, 2007
Industry Vertical Standards and the Semantic Web
Brandon Werner will be presenting at the ACORD-LOMA Insurance Systems Forum on the Semantic Web. I wonder if I could influence his presentation just a little bit...

His thesis is how to use XML and apply meta-data to gain insight and increase both human and machine understanding of the data so that better decisions are made. He will probably avoid the below, but I hope he doesn't:

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His thesis is how to use XML and apply meta-data to gain insight and increase both human and machine understanding of the data so that better decisions are made. He will probably avoid the below, but I hope he doesn't:
- How incremental should a standards body be in terms of semantic approaches? When do incremental approaches result in the wrong decisions?
- Semantic is a paradigm shift which usually requires starting from scratch to come up with an ideal approach. When should existing standards be scrapped?
- Whom within this vertical, do you think will be the first to implement a solution based on semantic approaches once standards emerge?
- What can vendors such as IBM, Oracle, BEA, Sun and Microsoft do to help encourage semantic approaches within industy vertical standards bodies?
- Celent Research will probably provide some industry analysis, but do you think that this topic is also worthy of research by Gartner, Forrester and The Burton Group?