Sunday, November 12, 2006


The blogosphere and jumping to conclusions

On every single page within my blog, the following disclaimer appears: The opinions expressed herein may or may not represent my own personal opinions... yet folks seem to ignore this statement and go off assuming and miss the entire point. Maybe they should read instead of reading into but this of course may not allow them to continue to pat their own backs...

In a previous blog entry, I commented on what it would take to certify Ruby on Rails as being enterprise ready. Let's look at some of the responses that folks have supplied:

1. Chris Petrilli in his blog entry entitled: Enterprise Ruby provides the following insights:

I generally agree with the perspective you hold in terms of benchmarking but this is simple to either prove or disprove. Don't assume. Anyway, your response is more about performance and less about scalability. I assume you know the difference and I will not attack you if you don't. If you would like to understand the differences, simply ask.

Hmmm. Have you ever heard of a highly respected industry analyst named Stephen O'Grady whom within his blog on numerous occasions has positively blogged on Ruby and no one paid him to do so. Are you wandering alone in the wilderness assuming that absolutely every single industry analyst has no integrity and simply won't talk about the merits of something unless they are paid? If you spend ten minutes reading the blogs of Redmonk, Elemental Links and others, you would immediately disprove your own notions.

Besides, if anyone in the blogosphere ever read my blog, you would understand that generally speaking, I am not a fan of large analyst firms. Hence the disclaimer that says: The opinions expressed herein may or may not represent my own personal opinions...

Glad that you at least acknowledged that some of the Ruby tools still have a little bit of work to catch up to the world of Java but that isn't the point. The real statement you should have paid attention to was configuration and release management practices which is more than just Ant and its equivalents.

So you don't think it would be useful for Ruby to have the capability of issuing SNMP traps for enterprise applications? Yes, SNMP can be used to attack applications but also adds value in terms of providing alerting mechanisms based on standards? If you don't like SNMP, what alerting standard do you prefer? Do you not prefer any form of alerting for an enterprise application?

In terms of XACML, it can be incorporated into building of application logic but in the Java world, J2EE containers such as BEA WebLogic, JBoss, Websphere, etc are implementing. Do you think they are wrong for building XACML support into the container?

I would like to understand why the Ruby world would be better off? Wouldn't the applications built on top of Ruby benefit by using whatever standard is most pervasively used and not just one that is open? Isn't that kinda like James Robertson attempting to convince the CEO of BestBuy to get rid of VHS and start selling Beta again? Yea, I know this analogy isn't quite a match the focus should be on empowering the users to solve real-world problems.

Let's say I agree for the moment that the Ruby community should only do non-Microsoft stuff. Other than for small startups, should the masses of large enterprises not care about interoperability? I hope you will be successful with this approach.

There are actually several flavors of OS for the mainframe. You have Unix System Services which runs on top of MVS and I am in full agreement that this is a beast that should be avoided. Z/Linux on the other hand has some merit in terms of the community considering embracing. My offer as Mr Enterprisey still stands to the Ruby community for anyone that would like access to a mainframe to get a port going.

Chris, no I am not serious about RMS and threw him in just to get a rise out of folks. The key point was though that I did throw in other names in which I was serious like getting Doc Searls, Jon Udell and others to start doing articles in this space.

Not sure why this would be difficult to respond to. If you can name a single conference where IT executives (or business executives) frequent and there has been a single speech given by anyone in the Ruby community, then you can prove my assumptions are wrong with facts.

Ring the bell. Understanding the perspective of others is the key to success. Insular thinking and one-sided conversations don't result in anything productive...

If I could have a wish and only one wish for today, I would ask Chris Petrilli to provide the answer to the below four questions and only the below four questions?

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