Saturday, June 03, 2006


Web 2.0 and Gartner

Gartner is starting to cover web 2.0 and realize that covering SOA is like beating a dead horse. Better not tell all those CIOs in large enterprises that they need to change their story...

A recent article on ZDNet which suggests that Enterprise architects must act as catalysts that speed the formation of unified business technology strategies and their execution. The enterprise architecture process must shift gears from limiting complexity by limiting choices to accelerating innovation and execution by coordinating complexity through unified business and IT strategy, decentralized execution and loose coupling among all related stakeholder disciplines.

I suspect most folks will not get the message but it resonated with me. Today, most enterprise architecture practices are focused on constraining options for software development within the enterprise by only allowing the use of endorsed tools and standards. This article appropriately indicates that EAs need to stop this behavior and instead focus on innovative approaches.

Will run across Dion Hinchcliffe next week at the Sys-con conference in NYC. Maybe we could start blogging on the human aspects of enterprise architecture so that additional insight for others to consume will emerge...

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