Saturday, April 15, 2006
Thoughts on David Heinemeier Hansson...
Figured I would ask him seven questions in hopes that he would respond...

1. Isaac Gouy left an interesting comment in this blog stating that it is easier to ridicule someone that to show they are wrong on their own terms. This begs the question of when will an honest, open dialog occur between two communities who obviously have different perspectives? Hopefully you are still not stuck on a clerical error I made and admitted to by confusing in previous blog entry Ruby vs. other dynamic languages?
2. Would love to understand your perspective on productivity in the following context. As you may be aware, many large enterprises in the United States and Europe have been exploring outsourcing where they are taking highly productive local talent and eschewing them for less productive but cheaper folks in other countries. The rationale is that if you can get resources for twenty cents on the dollar then that beats any productivity gains otherwise afforded by local folks any day. Not saying that I believe this to be true, but would love your perspective.
3. Are you willing to publicly acknowledge that Java was not chosen by large companies for productivity (without getting it twisted that Java is highly unproductive) and that the real driver for its choice was that at the time, most enterprises were doing either mainframe development using COBOL or some flavor of Client/Server such as Powerbuilder and that they wanted a new capability to get on the web which their current languages couldn't provide? If you acknowledge publicly that there is at least some truth to the statement, are you willing to then acknowledge that Ruby may not be as successful?
4. Do you really believe all us enterprisey folk prefer large highly inefficient ceremonialinsultingconsulting firms or that we are simply making the best out of the cards we are dealt? Why do you think we wouldn't really want to hire the best talent regardless of what firm they happen to be employed by?
5. There are other enterprisey folks in the blogosphere, in which each brings their own perspective. It would be useful for outsiders looking in to engage in a dialog where new insights emerge. Would you mind providing your own critique of the following bloggers in an upcoming blog entry:
6. Do you generally believe that it is true that for each 25% increase in problem complexity, there is a 100% increase in solution complexity. If so, complexity doesn't really start in IT but in the business models that IT targets?
7. Do you generally believe that 80% of software work is intellectual. Some is creative. Little is clerical. If so, what should us enterprisey folks focus on for opportunities to optimize?

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1. Isaac Gouy left an interesting comment in this blog stating that it is easier to ridicule someone that to show they are wrong on their own terms. This begs the question of when will an honest, open dialog occur between two communities who obviously have different perspectives? Hopefully you are still not stuck on a clerical error I made and admitted to by confusing in previous blog entry Ruby vs. other dynamic languages?
2. Would love to understand your perspective on productivity in the following context. As you may be aware, many large enterprises in the United States and Europe have been exploring outsourcing where they are taking highly productive local talent and eschewing them for less productive but cheaper folks in other countries. The rationale is that if you can get resources for twenty cents on the dollar then that beats any productivity gains otherwise afforded by local folks any day. Not saying that I believe this to be true, but would love your perspective.
3. Are you willing to publicly acknowledge that Java was not chosen by large companies for productivity (without getting it twisted that Java is highly unproductive) and that the real driver for its choice was that at the time, most enterprises were doing either mainframe development using COBOL or some flavor of Client/Server such as Powerbuilder and that they wanted a new capability to get on the web which their current languages couldn't provide? If you acknowledge publicly that there is at least some truth to the statement, are you willing to then acknowledge that Ruby may not be as successful?
4. Do you really believe all us enterprisey folk prefer large highly inefficient ceremonial
5. There are other enterprisey folks in the blogosphere, in which each brings their own perspective. It would be useful for outsiders looking in to engage in a dialog where new insights emerge. Would you mind providing your own critique of the following bloggers in an upcoming blog entry:
- John Gotze on Successful Enterprise Architecture
- Charles Betz on A story of too many tools
- Pavi Agrawal on I want to be CEO
- John Wu on The Profession of Enterprise Architect
- Tom Olzak on Manage your outsourcing outcomes
- Luis Suarez on Is Web 2.0 enterprise-ready?
- John Wu on EA is all about seeing the big picture
6. Do you generally believe that it is true that for each 25% increase in problem complexity, there is a 100% increase in solution complexity. If so, complexity doesn't really start in IT but in the business models that IT targets?
7. Do you generally believe that 80% of software work is intellectual. Some is creative. Little is clerical. If so, what should us enterprisey folks focus on for opportunities to optimize?