Saturday, April 08, 2006


Service Oriented Architectures and Charity

I was thinking about a previous blog entry and believe I came up with a way that I can help others become more charitable...

I am of the believe that us authors who write books don't do enough to encourage others to give to charity and should put our money where our mouth is. I have decided that the best course of action is to offer a free copy of the book: Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures to anyone who makes a confirmed $500 donation to any of charities on my Blogroll on or before April 15th.

Likewise, if anyone buys Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures sends me the shipping receipt before April 15th, I will contribute $5 (NOTE: My royalty on this book is only about $1 so don't get it twisted) to Modest Needs, a charity that is helping out victims of Hurricane Katrina...

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