Monday, April 03, 2006
Outstanding Questions on Outsourcing...
I have read hundreds of blogs (way too many to link to) but have chosen some of my favorites...

Always had the following questions/thoughts about outsourcing and am hoping someone in the blogosphere can provide insight. If anyone knows the answers to the below questions, please feel free to leave a comment:

Anyway, here are a listing of links worthy of further reading...
The outsourcing of Algae
Outsourcing Roundup
A caveat about offshore work and outstourcing
Outsourcing Blogs
Very Long Sexy Chinese Female Bloggers
Dont be afraid to outsource
The competence of IT outsourcing
Senators want proof that outsourcing is better
Outsourcing breeds more jobs

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Always had the following questions/thoughts about outsourcing and am hoping someone in the blogosphere can provide insight. If anyone knows the answers to the below questions, please feel free to leave a comment:
- Which Indian outsourcing firms do a better job of not just using open source but actually contributing?
- What should large enterprises that hire Indian outsourcing firms do to encourage those Indian outsourcing firms who aren't contributing to open source to leverage their benchtime and give back?
- Which Fortune 500 enterprises have made conscious decisions to not move jobs offshore?
- If there are so many IT folk in India yet very few books are being written there, exactly how are they learning?
- I have heard many brahmins state that lower caste individuals get a ton of opportunities, yet in my travels I have only met a total of four people from a lower caste. Are these outsourcing firms discriminating?
- Continuing the above question, as I understand 20% of the Indian population is Muslim. Several folks have pointed out here and there in handfuls that there are Muslims but why aren't they 20% of the IT outsourcing population?
- I haven't in my travels ever met a single Hispanic person employed by an Indian outsourcer? Does this exist?

Anyway, here are a listing of links worthy of further reading...
The outsourcing of Algae
Outsourcing Roundup
A caveat about offshore work and outstourcing
Outsourcing Blogs
Very Long Sexy Chinese Female Bloggers
Dont be afraid to outsource
The competence of IT outsourcing
Senators want proof that outsourcing is better
Outsourcing breeds more jobs