Thursday, February 23, 2006
So exactly what is enterprise architecture?
Came across an interesting definition of enterprise architecture that I thought was worthy of amplification...

Meant for Each Other: Enterprise Architecture and SOA. Muli begins with the most pragmatic definition for EA that I have seen in a long while:
He also notes that current EA practices will change from being a "documentation, procedures and guidelines" body and will reposition itself as a practical, implementation-oriented discipline aimed at the creation of an Enterprise Management Infrastructure, while SOA will be repositioned, no longer as an Integration/Interoperability architecture, but rather as an Enterprise Management architecture. In my humble opinion, using SOA strictly for integration is evil...

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Meant for Each Other: Enterprise Architecture and SOA. Muli begins with the most pragmatic definition for EA that I have seen in a long while:
Enterprise Architecture is an infrastructure and a set of Machines constructed in order to manage a chaotic, dynamic, unpredictable, complex, organic, prone to error, frustrating, Enterprise IT, which has to support an ever increasing, dynamic portfolio of products and services, through constant "ASAP, Now, Right-Away" modifications of business processes.
He also notes that current EA practices will change from being a "documentation, procedures and guidelines" body and will reposition itself as a practical, implementation-oriented discipline aimed at the creation of an Enterprise Management Infrastructure, while SOA will be repositioned, no longer as an Integration/Interoperability architecture, but rather as an Enterprise Management architecture. In my humble opinion, using SOA strictly for integration is evil...