Thursday, January 19, 2006
Enterprise Architecture: The Bill of Responsibilities
Every role within the enterprise, comes with both rights and responsibilities...

Enterprise Architects' have the responsibility to:

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Enterprise Architects' have the responsibility to:
- Understand why you are doing enterprise architecture in the first place. It is not to create comprehensive documentation, fill out Zachman frameworks, achieve higher levels of CMM, etc but to enable the strategic intent of the business that employs you. You must understand why whatever you are promoting is needed and why it is your customer's priority.
- Produce high quality work even when you are pressed to do otherwise. Low quality output benefits no one in the long run.
- Mentor others, provide stewardship for ideas conceived by others and impart whatever skills and wisdom you may have.
- Make sure that your recommendations and estimates are thoughtful, complete, ethical and as accurate as possible. Don't just reflect ideals, you must reflect reality.
- You have the responsibility of not doing just your part, but work with others and insure the success of everything under your stewardship.
- And most importantly, accept the consequences of your actions...