Sunday, November 27, 2005


Bloomfield High School Class Reunion

Yesterday, I attended my high school class reunion. It has been a long twenty years. Oh boy do I feel like an old man...

There were approximately 230 folks that graduated in 1985. Our class president Jackie hasn't aged a day. She was able to track down the addresses of about 140 people of which 50 attended. With folks getting married, moving all over the country and so on, she did a wonderful job of tracking down folks.

It has been a long time since I have seen many of my classmates which made me realize that I need to do a better job of keeping in touch. Our particular class was unique in that we were not just an integrated school in terms of statistics but also in terms of personal interaction. I am the person I have become because I have been touched by so many people of different beliefs, economic backgrounds, races and religion.

Some people still look the same while others have dramatically changed. As for me, I think I am on the radically different side of the coin. The one thing that I noticed is that we had lots of babes in our class and pretty much all of them got better with age. Still trying to figure out what was I thinking about in high school?

The one thing that does hit hard is to know that we lost a classmate. I guess there is some relief in knowing that it is only one but as we get older the count will increase.

It was good to see that we had a mix of professions from our class including several IT folks, several doctors, a couple of lawyers, machinists and other noble occupations.

Anyway, the one way that I will do better in keeping up with fellow classmates is by building our website so those who weren't able to attend can at least see photos of all of us. Hopefully, I will also get a list of all the classmates and attach them to this website so that on the remote chance they ever google for their own names, they may be brought to the site. I hope to have the site fully functional by Thursday.

To my classmates, I wish you success in all your undertakings...

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