Saturday, March 31, 2007
Is Tim O'Reilly profiting from Kathy Sierra and her pain?
In the publishing business, the phrase all publicity is good publicity but should her publisher exploit this situation to maximize profits...

The outreach to Kathy Sierra has been tremendous but sooner or later sound reasoning will take over and realize that while Kathy may have been a victim, she also victimized others by getting them convicted in the court of public opinion. Tim O'Reilly has called for a Blogger's Code of Conduct which conveniently left off convicting others in the blogosphere and only responding in ways that on the surface diffuse the issue but in all reality is really a sustainable marketing tactic.
If he really cared about the well-being and felt it was unethical to profit off the pain of others, do you think he would have made a sizable donation (say $5,000) to a worthy charity that helps women become empowered. If he doesn't know of any, may I suggest: CARE or Women for Women?
While Kathy is a victim, we shouldn't focus on her alone when reality states that millions of women are abused worldwide on a daily basis. Hopefully she will stop playing victim and Stand to Reason by helping others pursue worthy charities in the help of others. I really hope that neither Kathy nor Tim exercise their right to remain silent on this important issue...

| | View blog reactionsThe outreach to Kathy Sierra has been tremendous but sooner or later sound reasoning will take over and realize that while Kathy may have been a victim, she also victimized others by getting them convicted in the court of public opinion. Tim O'Reilly has called for a Blogger's Code of Conduct which conveniently left off convicting others in the blogosphere and only responding in ways that on the surface diffuse the issue but in all reality is really a sustainable marketing tactic.
If he really cared about the well-being and felt it was unethical to profit off the pain of others, do you think he would have made a sizable donation (say $5,000) to a worthy charity that helps women become empowered. If he doesn't know of any, may I suggest: CARE or Women for Women?
While Kathy is a victim, we shouldn't focus on her alone when reality states that millions of women are abused worldwide on a daily basis. Hopefully she will stop playing victim and Stand to Reason by helping others pursue worthy charities in the help of others. I really hope that neither Kathy nor Tim exercise their right to remain silent on this important issue...