Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Enterprise Architecture 2.0
Figured further enlightenment on the characteristics of enterprise architecture 2.0 and how it differs from current enterprise architecture practices were in order...

In future blog entries, I will compare and contrast each element of enterprise architecture 2.0 and how one can form a mental model around each point. Likewise, I will point you to books and magazine articles that provide amplification on topics supportive of this notion.
If others have insight into emergent behavior in this space, please do not hesitate to either leave a comment and/or respond from your own blog. We do not mature as a profession until we start having honest open conversations amongst each other...

| | View blog reactions1.0 | 2.0 |
Abstract Authority | Community |
Project Oriented Management | Strong Technical Leadership |
Comprehensive Documentation | Working Software |
Following a Plan | Responding to Change |
Governance | Stewardship |
Rationalization | Innovation |
Outsourcing | Open Sourcing |
NDA | Declarative Living |
Large Analyst Firms | Small Analyst Firms |
Management | Leadership |
ERP for IT | Burndown |
CMMi | Agile Methods |
Best Practices | Practical Considerations |
Reference Architectures | Shared Vision |
Time Accounting | Functional Delivery Accounting |
Buy vs. Build | Buy vs. Build vs. Open |
Project Oriented | Service Oriented |
Politics | Diplomacy |
Polarization | Dialog |
Buy-in | Enlistment |
Restrictions | Rights |
Cathedral Style Development | Bazaar Style Development |
Process | People |
In future blog entries, I will compare and contrast each element of enterprise architecture 2.0 and how one can form a mental model around each point. Likewise, I will point you to books and magazine articles that provide amplification on topics supportive of this notion.
If others have insight into emergent behavior in this space, please do not hesitate to either leave a comment and/or respond from your own blog. We do not mature as a profession until we start having honest open conversations amongst each other...