Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Keeping Enterprise Architects Honest...

Sometimes Enterprise Architects complain but their efforts don't necessarily reflect their passion...

Many enterprise architects talk about standards, but haven't taken a single step to participate in standards bodies nor work with vendors to reduce the amount of custom integration that should be shrinkwrapped.

Other enterprise architects who blog have been known to launch email assaults on those who run industry conferences, especially when 100% of their speakers are either from software vendors who will present thinly veiled chock-a-block eye candy powerpoint presentations which are all about sales and not really about information exchange or those who are filled with consulting firms attempting to be a proxy in terms of what their clients are doing.

I always ask conference chairs, how come you can't do a better job of finding those who work for Fortune enterprises whose primary business model isn't technology and have them tell their stories directly. I attempt to point out the fact that there are more IT folks in Fortune enterprises than in all consulting firms and internet startups combined and ignoring a major portion of the marketplace is silly, especially when attendance is at an all-time low.

Recently, a conference chair emailed me asking when was the last time I presented at a conference and I was discovered as being hypocritical. I haven't presented since mid last year. Now that I have been called out, I must figure out a better way of keeping myself honest.

If you know of conferences that would like me either as a speaker or panelist, please do not hesitate to ping me. I can speak on topics such as SOA, Enterprise Architecture, Open Source and Agile Software Development. I tend to not talk about security in public settings as I believe this has the potential to be competitive advantage...

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