Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Are there topics I should blog about?

I am savage in reading many blogs throughout the day and on occasion ask others to blog on topics that are of interest to me. I have always been curious if there are topics that I should be blogging about that would be of interest to you?

Being transparent and participating in a conversation larger than myself is important to me. You are welcome to ask me anything about technology, opinions on software vendors, what I do all day, my hobbies, opinions on politics or pretty much anything else that comes to mind.

At some level, I am probably opening up a can of worms and if overloaded may disappoint those who have asked a question but didn't receive a timely response. Recently, I have added an Honor System PayBox to my blog whereby readers are free to donate monies that will be funnelled to worthy charities such as Enough is Enough and Stand to Reason. Folks who donate of course will receive priority over those who don't.

I really hope that encouraging folks to be charitable doesn't discourage folks from asking questions...

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